Source code for dynasor.qpoints.spherical_qpoints

import itertools
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from dynasor.logging_tools import logger

[docs]def get_spherical_qpoints( cell: NDArray[float], q_max: float, max_points: int = None, seed: int = 42, ) -> NDArray[float]: r"""Generates all q-points on the reciprocal lattice inside a given radius :attr:`q_max`. This approach is suitable if an isotropic sampling of q-space is desired. The function returns the resulting q-points in Cartesian coordinates as an ``Nx3`` array. If the number of generated q-points are large, points can be removed by specifying the :attr:`max_points`. The q-points will be randomly removed in such a way that the q-points inside are roughly uniformly distributed with respect to :math:`|q|`. If the number of q-points are binned w.r.t. their norm the function would increase quadratically up until some distance P from which point the distribution would be constant. Parameters ---------- cell real cell with cell vectors as rows q_max maximum norm of generated q-points (in units of rad/Å, i.e. including factor of 2pi) max_points Optionally limit the set to __approximately__ :attr:`max_points` points by randomly removing points from a "fully populated mesh". The points are removed in such a way that for :math:`q > q_\mathrm{prune}`, the points will be radially uniformly distributed. The value of :math:`q_\mathrm{prune}` is calculated from :attr:`max_q`, :attr:`max_points`, and the shape of the cell. seed Seed used for stochastic pruning """ # inv(A.T) == inv(A).T # The physicists reciprocal cell rec_cell = np.linalg.inv(cell.T) * 2 * np.pi # We want to find all points on the lattice defined by the reciprocal cell # such that all points within max_q are in this set inv_rec_cell = np.linalg.inv(rec_cell.T) # cell / 2pi # h is the height of the rec_cell perpendicular to the other two vectors h = 1 / np.linalg.norm(inv_rec_cell, axis=1) # If a q_point has a coordinate larger than this number it must be further away than q_max N = np.ceil(q_max / h).astype(int) # Create all q-points within a sphere lattice_points = list(itertools.product(*[range(-n, n+1) for n in N])) q_points = lattice_points @ rec_cell # Calculate distances for pruning q_distances = np.linalg.norm(q_points, axis=1) # Find distances # Sort distances and q-points based on distance argsort = np.argsort(q_distances) q_distances = q_distances[argsort] q_points = q_points[argsort] # Prune based on distances q_points = q_points[q_distances <= q_max] q_distances = q_distances[q_distances <= q_max] # Pruning based on max_points if max_points is not None and max_points < len(q_points): q_vol = np.linalg.det(rec_cell) q_prune = _get_prune_distance(max_points, q_max, q_vol) if q_prune < q_max:'Pruning q-points from the range {q_prune:.3} < |q| < {q_max}') # Keep point with probability min(1, (q_prune/|q|)^2) -> # aim for an equal number of points per equally thick "onion peel" # to get equal number of points per radial unit. p = np.ones(len(q_points)) assert np.isclose(q_distances[0], 0) p[1:] = (q_prune / q_distances[1:]) ** 2 rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) q_points = q_points[p > rs.rand(len(q_points))]'Pruned from {len(q_distances)} q-points to {len(q_points)}') return q_points
def _get_prune_distance( max_points: int, q_max: float, q_vol: float, ) -> NDArray[float]: r"""Determine distance in q-space beyond which to prune the q-point mesh to achieve near-isotropic sampling of q-space. If points are selected from the full mesh with probability :math:`\min(1, (q_\mathrm{prune} / |q|)^2)`, q-space will on average be sampled with an equal number of points per radial unit (for :math:`q > q_\mathrm{prune}`). The general idea is as follows. We know that the number of q-points inside a radius :math:`Q` is given by .. math: n = v^{-1} \int_0^Q dq 4 \pi q^2 = v^{-1} 4/3 \pi Q^3 where :math:`v` is the volume of one q-point. Now we want to find a distance :math:`P` such that if all points outside this radius are weighted by the function :math:`w(q)` the total number of q-points will equal the target :math:`N` (:attr:`max_points`) while the number of q-points increases linearly from :math:`P` outward. One additional constraint is that the weighting function must be 1 at :math:`P`. The weighting function which accomplishes this is :math:`w(q)=P^2/q^2` .. math: N = v^{-1} \left( \int_0^P 4 \pi q^2 + \int_P^Q 4 \pi q^2 P^2 / q^2 dq \right). This results in a `cubic equation <>`_ for :math:`P`, which is solved by this function. Parameters ---------- max_points maximum number of resulting q-points; :math:`N` below max_q maximum q-value in the resulting q-point set; :math:`Q` below vol_q q-space volume for a single q-point """ Q = q_max V = q_vol N = max_points # Coefs a = 1.0 b = -3 / 2 * Q c = 0.0 d = 3 / 2 * V * N / (4 * np.pi) # Eq tol solve def original_eq(x): return a * x**3 + b * x**2 + c * x + d # original_eq = lambda x: a * x**3 + b * x**2 + c * x + d # Discriminant p = (3 * a * c - b**2) / (3 * a**2) q = (2 * b**3 - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * a**2 * d) / (27 * a**3) D_t = - (4 * p**3 + 27 * q**2) if D_t < 0: return q_max x = Q * (np.cos(1 / 3 * np.arccos(1 - 4 * d / Q**3) - 2 * np.pi / 3) + 0.5) assert np.isclose(original_eq(x), 0), original_eq(x) return x