Source code for dynasor.post_processing.filon

This module provides an implementation of Filon's integration formula.
For information about Filon's formula, see e.g.
`Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
section 25 <>`_ or
Allen and Tildesley, *Computer Simulation of Liquids*, Appendix D :cite:`AllTil87`.

Integration is performed along one dimension (default ``axis=0``), e.g.,

.. code::

    [F0[0]  F1[0] ..  FN[0] ]     [f0[0]  f1[0] ..  fN[0] ]
    [   .      .         .  ]     [   .      .         .  ]
    [F0[.]  F1[.] ..  FN[.] ] = I([f0[.]  f1[.] ..  fN[.] ], dx, [q[0] .. q[Nq]])
    [   .      .         .  ]     [   .      .         .  ]
    [F0[Nq] F1[Nq] .. FN[Nq]]     [f0[Nx] f1[Nx] .. fN[Nx]]

where ``q`` and ``Fj`` have end index ``Nq``, and ``fj`` has end index ``Nx``.
``Nq`` is automatically set by the length of ``q``. Due to the algorithm,
``fj[Nx]`` must be of odd length (``Nx`` must be an even number), and should
correspond to a linearly spaced set of data points (separated by ``dx`` along the
integration axis).

:func:`sin_integral` and :func:`cos_integral` allow for shifted integration
intervals by the optional argument ``x0``.


__all__ = ['fourier_cos', 'sin_integral', 'cos_integral']

from numpy import sin, cos, linspace, pi, arange
import numpy as np
import numba
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing import Tuple, Callable

[docs]def fourier_cos(f: NDArray[float], dx: float, q: NDArray[float] = None, axis: int = 0) -> Tuple[NDArray[float], NDArray[float]]: r"""Calculates the direct Fourier cosine transform :math:`F(q)` of a function :math:`f(x)` using Filon's integration method. The array values ``f[0]..f[2n]`` are expected to correspond to :math:`f(0.0)\ldots f(2n\Delta x)`. Hence, ``f`` should contain an odd number of elements. The transform is approximated by the integral :math:`F(q) = 2\int_{0}^{x_{max}} f(x) \cos(q x) dx`, where :math:`x_{max} = 2n \Delta x`. Parameters ---------- f function values; must contain an odd number of elements dx spacing of x-axis (:math:`\Delta x`) q values of reciprocal axis, at which to evaluate transform; if ``q`` is not provided, ``linspace(0.0, 2*pi/dx, f.shape[axis])``, will be used. axis axis along which to carry out integration Returns ------- tuple of ``q`` and ``F`` values Example ------- A common use case is .. code-block:: python q, F = fourier_cos(f, dx) """ if q is None: q = linspace(0.0, 2 * pi / dx, f.shape[axis]) return q, 2 * cos_integral(f, dx, q, x0=0.0, axis=axis)
def cos_integral(f: NDArray[float], dx: float, q: NDArray[float], x0: float = 0.0, axis: int = 0) -> NDArray[float]: r"""Calculates the integral :math:`\int_{x_0}^{2n\Delta x} f(x) \cos(q x) dx`. Parameters ---------- f function values; must contain an odd number of elements dx spacing of x-axis (:math:`\Delta x`) q values of reciprocal axis, at which to evaluate transform; if ``q`` is not provided, ``linspace(0.0, 2*pi/dx, f.shape[axis])``, will be used. x0 offset for integration interval axis axis along which to carry out integration Returns ------- Integral values """ return _gen_sc_int(f, dx, q, x0, axis, cos) def sin_integral(f: NDArray[float], dx: float, q: NDArray[float], x0: float = 0.0, axis: int = 0) -> NDArray[float]: r"""Calculates the integral :math:`\int_{x_0}^{2n\Delta x} f(x) \sin(q x) dx`. Parameters ---------- f function values; must contain an odd number of elements dx spacing of x-axis (:math:`\Delta x`) q values of reciprocal axis, at which to evaluate transform; if ``q`` is not provided, ``linspace(0.0, 2*pi/dx, f.shape[axis])``, will be used. x0 offset for integration interval axis axis along which to carry out integration Returns ------- Integral values """ return _gen_sc_int(f, dx, q, x0, axis, sin) def _gen_sc_int(f: NDArray[float], dx: float, q: NDArray[float], x0: float, axis: int, sc: Callable) -> NDArray[float]: """ General sin/cos integral Due to numba sin or cos are sent in as strings """ if sc == np.sin: sc = 'sin' else: assert sc == np.cos sc = 'cos' # Let numpy handle the axis juggling integral = np.apply_along_axis(_gen_sc_int_1D, axis, f, dx, q, x0, sc) return integral @numba.njit(fastmath=False, parallel=True) def _gen_sc_int_1D(f: NDArray, dx: float, k: NDArray, x0: float, sc: str) -> NDArray[float]: """Calculate filon for a 1D array Parameters ---------- f function values; must contain an odd number of elements dx spacing of x-axis k values of reciprocal axis, at which to evaluate transform x0 offset for integration interval sc sin or cos Returns ------- integral integral of f at points k """ # Keep it simple assert f.ndim == 1 assert k.ndim == 1 assert sc in ['sin', 'cos'] Nk = len(k) Nx = len(f) assert Nx >= 3 and Nx % 2 == 1 # Nx odd and not one x = x0 + dx * arange(Nx) integral = np.empty(Nk) for i in numba.prange(Nk): integral[i] = filon_single_k(f, x, k[i], sc) return integral @numba.njit(fastmath=False) def filon_single_k(f: NDArray, x: NDArray, k: float, sc: str) -> float: """performs the integral at a single k-point""" dx = x[1] - x[0] alpha, beta, gamma = _alpha_beta_gamma_single(dx * k) if sc == 'sin': sc_x = np.sin(k * x) else: sc_x = np.cos(k * x) sc_x[0] *= 0.5 sc_x[-1] *= 0.5 Nx = len(x) B, C = 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(0, Nx, 2): B += sc_x[i] * f[i] for i in range(1, Nx, 2): C += sc_x[i] * f[i] if sc == 'sin': A = f[0] * np.cos(k * x[0]) - f[-1] * np.cos(k * x[-1]) else: A = f[-1] * np.sin(k * x[-1]) - f[0] * np.sin(k * x[0]) integral = dx * (alpha * A + beta * B + gamma * C) return integral @numba.njit(fastmath=False) def _alpha_beta_gamma_single(t: float): # From theta, calculate alpha, beta, and gamma if t == 0: alpha, beta, gamma = 0.0, 2/3, 4/3 else: alpha = (t**2 + t * np.sin(t) * np.cos(t) - 2 * np.sin(t)**2) / t**3 beta = 2 * (t * (1 + np.cos(t)**2) - 2 * np.sin(t) * np.cos(t)) / t**3 gamma = 4 * (np.sin(t) - t * np.cos(t)) / t**3 return alpha, beta, gamma